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The "Northern Metropolis Action Agenda" reveals that the Northern Metropolis (NM) will become a Development Pole, driving the strategic growth of Hong Kong for the next 20 years. The exponential increase of people living and working in NM will create new social needs and community patterns.

Looking at NM from the social innovation perspective of development planning, community development and social service, the Symposium will explore how the concepts of "Urban-rural Integration", "15-minute neighbourhood" and "Social Service Integration" will help optimise and proactively respond to the diverse needs of a large number of newly developed communities and support the co-existence and integration of existing and new communities in NM. This sets forth a direction of community making to create sustainable inclusive communities and a holistic and vibrant NM.

 (Remarks: If there are any discrepancies between English and Chinese versions of this synopsis, the Chinese version shall prevail.)


Details of Symposium

Date | 2024.09.28 (Sat)

Time | 9:30am - 1:00pm

Venue |V322, Jockey Club Innovation Tower (Core V), PolyU, Hung Hom (Campus Map)

Language | Cantonese, supplemented by Putonghua

Fee | Free of charge

Delivery Mode | In-person event

Registration Deadline | 2024.09.23 (Mon), 11:59pm


 Keynote Speech


Thematic Sharing Session

From the perspective of social innovation, we shall explore the future community making of the Northern Metropolis through three major themes:


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Sharing 1: Urban-rural Integration



Sharing 2: Creating 15-minute Neighbourhood



Sharing 3: Integrating Community Services



Panel Discussion: Visions and Insights of Northern Metropolis Community Makers

The development and construction of the Northern Metropolis, under the government's leadership, will stimulate the involvement of professionals and stakeholders from cross-sectors. This symposium provides a platform for community makers in the region to share their visions and insights:









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Tel | 3400 8250 / 3400 2823


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View More Season 18: Community Making in the Northern Metropolis (2024.09.28)